Growth Index 100
Searching for Britain’s fastest-growing companies and the leaders behind their success.
Take part in our annual celebration of the UK’s successful growth stories by entering your company details below. There is no cost for businesses to be included in the list. So, if you are, or if you know of anyone you think should be featured in the UK’s most definitive and prestigious business list, then read on and apply!
The 2024 ‘Growth Index’ will be published in April 2024 and is a league table of the UK’s companies with the fastest-growing sales. Companies are ranked by compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in sales over their latest two financial years.
Our entry criteria for 2024 is:
Companies must be registered in the UK – however, their ultimate holding company may be offshore.
- Companies must have at least £5m in latest sales and minimum base year sales of £100,000.
- Have three years of accounts, with sales growth measured by compound annual growth rate over the latest two financial years.
- We accept quoted companies on UK and non-UK stock exchanges.
Excluded companies include: professional services (solicitors, underwriters, recruiters) firms and LLPs; property developers and companies that trade in electricity (excluding energy providers); investment and private equity funds; joint ventures; state-owned enterprises and non-profit organisations; CICs, housing associations and university-related property companies; foreign owned businesses; and genuine subsidiary’s.
Companies that do not meet these criteria are considered for our ‘ones to watch’ list, which will feature 10 finalists that are on a purposeful mission, achieving good growth and deserve to be celebrated!
To apply, complete the form below:
Applications close 31st December 2023