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Introducing Growth Index
Celebrating the companies & leaders that drive exceptional growth.
Growth Index is the definitive, independent list that measures and highlights the UK’s amazing growth stories, shining a light on the successes of the 100 fastest-growing UK businesses over the last two years. As a new dawn rises following a period of unprecedented global upheaval, Growth Index examines the contributions of the business world in shaping the next chapter in economic growth, in the context of building a brighter, more sustainable future.
Why Growth Matters
The engine of progress and common prosperity.
Good growth is modelled on doing better, not just doing more. Growth that is ethical, sustainable and socially conscious is possible, and we see it all around us. It is a model of growth that is rooted in enlightened self-interest, enriching society as well as the business, providing good jobs, funding vital public services and creating the dynamism to solve major problems like climate change and poverty. The Growth Index is not selected based on any ethical criteria, but nevertheless highlights a growth model which offers an optimistic and sustainable future for UK businesses.
Bucks without the fizz:
How AU Vodka plans to conquer the world
Growth Index winner AU Vodka has dazzled the drinks industry with its signature gold bottles – concealing often startlingly-coloured spirits – and its highly effective social media and influencer marketing.
Co-founders Charlie Morgan and Jackson Quinn talk to us on standing out, social media marketing and cracking America.
“Lasting success is to be found in shared value. Strengthening labour markets, communities and local economies rather than exploiting them. It is a capitalist model of enlightened self-interest that we can proudly say we believe in”
Orlando Martins
CEO Growth Index & ORESA
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Orlando Martins
Founder of Growth Index
Alexandra Fryer
Project Manager, Growth Index