Why Growth Index CEOs are more diverse than FTSE CEOs

Sex discrimination has been banned in the workplace since at least 1975, so it’s a matter of great disappointment that today barely 5% of the UK’s public companies are run by women.
Why growth matters

It’s not always popular to say you believe in growth. Environmental and social activists have rightly called into question the desirability of pursuing economic growth at all costs, while others have pointed out that raising GDP is a poor policy objective, because it fails to account for social inequality or…
When will we see levelling up?

The premise behind the government’s levelling up agenda is that, for far too long, economic opportunity and prosperity have been concentrated in London and the South East, leaving other regions to languish.

Companies are ranked by compound annual growth of revenue over two years. To be included, companies must be registered in the UK – however, their ultimate holding company may be offshore.