Lior Shiff, CEO, Tripledot Studios

Companies that monetised games through in-app purchases, like the business I co-founded in 2007, Product Madness, used to look down on companies that monetised through advertising, because the revenue per player was much lower.

Storal Learning: Striving for improvement in early years education

Founded in 2016, Storal Learning is a community of day nurseries born from a belief in the power of early years education. The company is growing steadily through acquisition: with five new sites in the last 12 months, it has increased in capacity for children and staff by almost a third.

Paysend: Boosting financial inclusion is a key mission


“I’m always making mistakes. But it’s about what you learn from those mistakes and how you take a business forward that matters,” says Ronnie Miller, a serial tech entrepreneur who is currently on his sixth business, Paysend.

Do you need a degree to become a high-growth CEO?

Do you need a degree to become a high-growth CEO?​

There’s a clear correlation between education and career success, which is why the vast majority of FTSE CEOs have a degree. The proportion among GX leaders is notably less, with over three in ten attending the famed university of life.

Sosandar: We can be one of the UK’s biggest women’s fashion brands

Ali Hall and Julie Lavington ran a magazine before launching online fashion brand Sosandar. Thanks to their flair for marketing and focus on careful planning in the face of rapid change, the AIM-listed business is now among the UK’s fastest growing. In this article, they explain why they believe it has only scratched the surface.